Friday, February 19, 2010

From pre-road to starting on the road

It was a bit chaotic and stressful the week before we left because we were trying to get everthing solidified for the road-screenings booked, host homes set, team dynamics figured out, last trainings fulfilled-but, like it always seems to happen, things fell into place and we were so ready for the road on wednesday morning.  I basically had to repack all my stuff, and that was a minor stress since I probably brought too much stuff.  Luckily I was able to leave some stuff behind with one of my friends.  Packing up all our merchandise was another task, but it was fairly quick and painless, considering that teams on tours past were at the office until 2 or 3 am the morning before launch.  We were chowing down on pizza and watching the Ugandans arm wrestle at 7 pm because everyone was finished packing up the vans.  Quite an accomplichment. 

Launch day was perfection.  It was a quintescencial San Diego morning at Mt. Soledad, where we all joined-staff, interns, local family and friends, and roadie teams-to say our goodbyes and launch this groundbreaking tour.  I didn't think I was going to get emotional because I was so excited to start the journey that we've been preparing for.  But, what I didn't prepare for was having to say goodbye to the friends who were embarking on the same journey in different regions across the US, or those who are staying in SD as office interns.  It was strange because at some point all of the people who I have been living, working, and playing with have become great friends whom I care very much for. 

We drove most of the day on Wednesday and got to Flagstaff that night.  We ended up having a huge sleepover at a church facility with three other teams who were stopping in Flagstaff before continuing their trek across the states the next day.  The funny thing was that our team took a differnent route than the others, so when we finally met back up in Flagstaff that night (11 hours later), it felt like a blissful reunion after weeks.  Sounds silly, but because we've been spending 24-7 together for the past five weeks, it was so strange not to see them for a whole day.  It was a great last night together...lots of laughing and teaching of traditional Ugandan dance.

Yesterday we went to the Grand Canyon. Amazing. Magnificent.  Mind-blowing.  Not much else to say but that.  It was a great team bonding day, and I think I had another realization yesterday that we are so blessed to have our Ugandan friends along with us on this journey.  So many things that we don't take the time to appreciate or enjoy-like a wagon wheel bench, or a statue of an indian-is a novelty to them.  It has made me slow down and take more time to appreciate the little parts of the scenery and experience with them. 

Ok, I know this is an uber long much to catch up on and I am still leaving heeps out. Here are a few order: launch dinner, crossing the Arizona state line (shout out to Janae:), and the Grand Canyon with my team.  I'm working on putting together a little video to share with you guys as well.  Hopefully soon.

my love, Jess

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