Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Roadie house...

…is controlled chaos. I really can’t think of any other way to describe it. It is basically set up like I imagine a frat house, except I’ve never even seen a frat house like THIS. It’s humongous-2 kitchens, 4.5 bathrooms, 7 bedrooms with a total of 50 beds, a garage which is a makeshift living room, a loft, annnd a basement. Mom and Dad drove me down here Thursday and we actually arrived to an empty house…and it crazy enough to see it when there weren’t 50-some people home!
When everyone did start arriving home it added a whole new level of crazy! I honestly mean that in the best way possible though. From first impressions and interactions since then, I have determined that the people in this house are absolutely incredible. It may seem premature to make that blanket statement about fifty 18-25 year olds, but there is a concentrate of intelligence, sincerity and compassion in this house!
Since getting down here I feel like the reality of what the next four months of my life is going to be has settled in a little at a time: first seeing the Roadie house, then meeting the Roadies/Interns, and then having the first day in the office. I am also realizing through conversations with returning Roadies that the experience on the road is going to be unlike any other. Pretty much every past Roadie has said candidly that being on the road was the most challenging experience of their life. On the flipside, you can tell by the look in their eyes that they are back because they love Invisible Children and through the challenges and demands of being on the road, they were able to see the difference that they made!

1 comment:

jul said...

"intellingence, sincerity, and compassion" it

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