Saturday, April 10, 2010

An untraditional Easter weekend

Easter definitely didn't feel like Easter since we weren't with the rest of the family, but Lindz, Josh, and I had a great weekend in Boulder together!  We had some much needed quality time together...


Sushi, Skiball, and checking out the swanky hotel.

Easter a.m. hike at Dakota Trail

PEARL Street!

I love my new headband, Mom!

Here is a little taste of the chateau that we stayed at this weekend.  My friend and fellow roadie, Terra, is from Estes Park and her family owns this magical place.  We were pretty much living the roadie dream.

We're now in state #4, good ol' Utah.  I'm not gonna lie, it was hard to say goodbye to Colorado, but Utah is not disappointing!

my best and all my love,


mamamorris said...

Wow...Della Terra Is Beautiful!! Just like you said! Someday we will go back :) So good to see the pictures of you Josh and Lindz. I'm glad you were all together on Easter.
I have to say...I love seeing your pictures and videos and reading your posts but Im kinda over it....I want to see your face and give you a hug and sit on the couch and drink coffee with you and laugh and tell stories. Please come home...I miss you! Sorry, just had to tell you.
Love Mom

Lindsey said...

awesome ski-ball video jessie bear! josh still thinks the distance was off, and that's why he performed so poorly ;) But I think like you...a victory is a victory, and it's especially sweet to beat JEH. have a really great week!
josh and i LOVE you!!!

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